Wearing Fake Lashes for the First Time( Why I would and wouldn’t do it again!)

I am 16 years old and this weekend I had a formal event to go to. While going to the mall with my friends she spotted some lashes. This was completely unplanned but she thought they would look good. I am always a little skeptical to adding something dramatic to my look but I told her if they looked good on her, I would try it.

When we got back she had out other friend (the only one who had worn falsies before) glue them on to her. She wore them for about 3 minutes before taking them off. My twin sister (co writer of this blog) tried some on that she too had bought. The perk of having a twin is that you can pretty much guess how something will look on yourself based on the way they look on your sister! And they didn’t look nearly as bad as I thought they would turn out. They actually looked good! So the next day I try some for myself.They added so much flare to my face! Scroll down to see pictures!

They made my eyes pop!

I have been told by before that I have nice eyes. People love the almond shape of my eyes. I love small eyes but I have also been a lover of big eyed people though. The lashes made my eyes look bigger and they immediately drew attention to my eyes.

Easy way to spice up my makeup! #Noeyeshadow

When I go to formal events, I love throwing on eye shadow and giving myself a sharp cat eye. I do not normally wear much makeup so it is nice to do ombre eyeshadow. The eyelashes were really all I needed. I put on some lip gloss (and some concealer to cover some acne marks!) and I was good to go. It was enough glam on its own. I took mine off the day after but I see how people feel eye naked without them. My face suddenly was much more “baby faced”.

If you try them on definitely try to avoid eyelash dependency AKA feeling like you need them to look beautiful! Check out what this article said-“A large number of women say they feel incomplete without their false eyelashes and claim long lashes complete their look, like icing on a cake. Talk to any makeup artist and they would tell you that all their clients ask for long lashes with their makeup. ” (https://www.philstar.com/lifestyle/health-and-family/2018/05/29/1819716/meghan-markles-secret-healthy-long-lashes) I don’t want to get to that point in my life lol. That is honestly like girls who wear fake hair and nails. They need them to complete the look.

Not nearly as risky as I thought

They stuck on pretty good and and hardly any lashes came off. No lashes get in my eye either so I am definelty happy about that.

They almost fell off Multiple times

I had multiple mini heart attacks every time I noticed them getting low. I had to stop and ask my friends “are my eyelashes falling off?”. I went to the bathroom to readjust them and reapply glue once. If you are someone who gets embarassed easily then you will want to find a way to discreetly do it in a stall and bring a mini mirror. I just reapplied them looking at myself directly in the mirror. Yes people did walk in but no questions were asked! They were too busy trying to fix their own makeup.

Ripped off a bit of my Eyelashes+ Left glue

Now i know a little bit more about where to put the eyelash and what kind of glue to use. This was my first time and I kind of meesily put them on. Once I took them off, dried glue had seeped down to my top lashes and while cleaning them off and..I ripped off like 3 lashes! Like my mom always says, we don’t have lashes to lose. I had to use warm oil to seep the glue off. I also took them off to shower because I was not about to lose a 5 dollar lash in the shower! if you wear contacts ( like me) you will have to take them off to put your contact in until you get good enough to do it with them on. Have you every tried to put contacts on with fake glue, because good luck trying to not poke yourself in the eye. I am better now but I poked my eye hard once, I thought I could never try it again!

Be careful or you will look Crazy

No what kind of event to wear them too. You should wear smaller falsies when attending a business event. You don’t want to walk in on your boss looking like you just left Kim kardashian house and now your looking for a man lol. Your lashes fall into 3 categories. sassy, classy, and …draggy. and by draggy I mean dragqueen-ish! kim k lashes are more sassy while draggy is more like stepping on to Ru Pauls show! Classy is more meghan markle type.

Wish you had full, fluffy eyelashes like the Duchess of ...
Aka classy

Top 10 Best Queens from RuPaul & # 39; s Drag Race - YouTube
Aka Draggy ( btw draggy is not an insult- He is a DRAG queen)
Kardashian-Approved Lashes: Huda Beauty Has Arrived |  Look
Aka Sassy

my advice, know what size will look the most appropriate for your look. Bigger is not always better. I was going to wear them to school but fakelashes are just not really “me”. My nice dressing is normally like a nice skirt and a clean hairstyle with light makup and lipgloss. I not really a “dramatic” or “grab your attention” kind of girl. I love them on other people but the dramaticness didn’t really match my laidback demeanor.

With all this being said, I will definitely try them again in the near future. I am a teen and bad decisions are my specialty

Anyway thanks for reading my blog! Until next time
